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Dear Seniors, This is Not the End

If you’re reading this, thank you for making it through to the end of my college reflection series! I think I have learned more about...

Slow Down

Slow and steady wins the race after all. All this talk about how fast college and senior year goes by might send some of you in a frenzy...

Dear Senior Year

Holy crap. You went by so fast. People from every age group always told me to enjoy college because “it’ll go by so fast” and “you only...

Destigmatizing Mental Health

This topic is very personal and important to me. I am very passionate about it because I think valuing it can play a huge role in...

Befriending Differences

“I never learned from a man who agreed with me.” – Robert A. Heinlein It’s normal to want to surround yourself with people who think like...

Dear Junior Year

Junior year, you’re a lot like junior of high school. I didn’t think I would find many similarities to high school in college, but I can...

Balancing Life with a Planner

I have a habit of going through different phases of activity whether that's exercising, cramming for an exam, sleeping early/late, etc. I...

Networking Made Manageable

I think you should have the idea of networking on your mind earlier rather than later. There’s so much you’re going to be worried about...

Choosing Your Major

Deciding what to major in during college is a tricky one. But to rewind even before college I have one advice for the graduating senior....

Battling Your Worries

On a spectrum of 1-10 with 10 being an extreme over-worrier, I find myself somewhere between a 6 and 7. I usually have a lot on my mind,...

The Key to Good Grades

It's not drinking from the Old Well. Even the other day, I was stressing about a not so pretty exam grade I received. I calculated...

Dear Sophomore Year

Why do people call you the slump? Sophomore year felt a little like the middle child of the family. Caught somewhere in between the doted...

Finding My Identity

I’m not sure what my identity was freshman year, but I was affected a lot by what people said about me. I am a strong believer in the...

Defining Friendships

The dictionary has several definitions for the word “friend.” 1) A person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard...

Knowing Your Boundaries

Coming into college I never really spent time thinking about boundaries. I know myself and what I want or don’t like, so I know my...

Why Sleep?

Sleep and I didn’t have the best relationship my freshman year. I left the library when it closed at 2 am on weeknights and had a regular...

Dear Freshman Year

To begin, I want to say that I recognize that the college experience will not look the same for everyone, and for many, college in...

Dear Reader

Welcome to a new year, a new decade and hopefully not the same you. Brace yourself for what may be a failed experiment at my first-time...

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