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Dear Senior Year

Holy crap. You went by so fast.

People from every age group always told me to enjoy college because “it’ll go by so fast” and “you only get to experience it once.” And they are so right. I also heard “it’s the best four years of your life” many times. Those are some big shoes to fill, and for the most part UNC did for me. I had such big hopes for my senior year with so many plans and individual goals I wanted to complete before bidding farewell to campus. My fall semester I was able to make a big dent in my list, which now I am so thankful that I started the year guns blazing; otherwise, I might have missed a lot of opportunities.

“Do a lot your fall semester because spring semester is when you won’t have a lot of time.” I wrote this down in my notes when I was planning out the topics for the rest of my blogs before we left for spring break. But little did I know how much truer these words would become for me in two weeks. COVID-19 hit in the most unexpected way and had consequences that I and even our nation wasn’t ready for. But I don’t want to harp so much on what has happened since that is what everyone is talking about. I want to mention a few things I learned amidst this chaos.

1) There are still good people left in the world

God bless our administrators and professors who have shown so much patience and understanding during this tumultuous time. Throughout my time at UNC I have experienced very little flexibility when it came to policy and things related to class structure, grading, and credit. So, when I heard Duke was allowing their students to declare pass/fail for any class even those required for their major, I had little hope for UNC doing the same. But I was proven wrong, and what a wonderful feeling that was. Not only has the pass/fail option and extension given me a great sense of peace, my professors have been nothing but supportive and I am so proud to be a part of the Carolina community where faculty and students all care about one another. (Disclaimer: I have heard there have been exceptions with some professors actually increasing the workload post the beginning of online instruction, so I know not everyone can be included in my statement.)

2) It’s not all about me

This one was possibly the biggest point that was re-emphasized to me during this time. I’ll be the first to admit that at the very beginning of COVID-19’s appearance I didn’t take it seriously and had no thoughts of it ending my senior year. But when it began to become clear to me that senior year was all over, I became sad about my lost graduation and final senior privileges. I wasn’t given the final months which is when the end of college really becomes real and students experience all the emotions and events that graduation brings. But so what? You don’t get a graduation, but some people are losing their parents. Some parents are losing their source of income. And some young adults are losing their first job out of college. It was when I was able to see beyond myself that I was able to re-evaluate my life and count my blessings. Because this crazy time is simply a part of this crazy life.

I don’t think I’ll refer to college as the best four years of my life. Essentially it really has been thus far but labeling that would mean that my life has already peaked. After the climax in a novel, the story slows until resolution. But that’s not what’s next for me. I think this is a peak. A beautiful, crazy peak. I have no doubt it will be one of the highlights in my life, but I know that there’s also so much left for me and all my class to do.

Senior year, you’re just a fraction of the whole. You may have not been exactly everything I wanted, but neither was any of the years that came before you. I see all the good and happiness that you brought me this last year, the life lessons and character strengthening you’ve taught me, and the relationships you’ve given me. For that I will be forever grateful. You’re a part of UNC for me, and I will always treasure you in my heart.

“If you saturate your mind with positive thoughts, it will sustain you in any situation.” - Lailah Gifty Akita

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