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A Little About Me

Hi everyone and welcome to my blog! My name is Casie Hahn, and I am a senior at UNC Chapel Hill majoring in media and journalism with a concentration in graphic design. I have created this blog with the vision to essentially tell my younger self things I wish I had known in my four years of college. 


I am a listener, designer and student. Post-graduation, I will continue to seek new perspectives and knowledge. I strive to be diligent, caring and authentic. My passion for people lies in their stories and potential. Hearing a person’s story and being an outlet to encourage others has been one of the most rewarding things in my life. I hope to use my career to be a platform that can incite change, connect people, and advocate for a voice for all. I recognize the need for teamwork to collaborate and accomplish larger goals than we could alone. I work to diversify my perspectives and push myself to never stop learning because growth cannot flourish in comfort zones. 

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